Oil in Today’s World

November 19 2001

Do you know that we import more than half of our oil? And this country runs on oil. Twenty-five years ago imports were about 35% of our needs. We're importing more every year, and every year more is coming from the volatile Middle East. We even import 7,000,000 barrels per day from our trusted friend Saddam Hussein, costing 4 billion dollars per year. What's going on? Are we crazy? The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has tried to hold us hostage before. A revolution in Saudi…

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Food Safety

November 13 2001

Things are happening on the farm and food front. A furious and confusing farm bill debate rages in the Senate. A completed bill for the President to sign still seems unlikely this year. When will Congress complete the appropriations bill for the President to sign? That is one thing they have to finish before adjourning. I think they'll still be here working into December.

Trade promotion authority according to House Speaker Denny Hastert is coming to a vote. We have an ongoing debate about…

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Chairman Combest

November 6 2001

The Chairman made his case! At a luncheon yesterday I was with House Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Combest and he laid it on the line. He acknowledged that the farm bill that he crafted, that passed the House, has been the target of critical analysis coming from not only some in the Senate but also the Bush administration.

Here is what the Chairman said: if they didn't like it, they had plenty of time to offer their ideas. They didn't. USDA could have been engaged. USDA was invited but…

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Trade Promotion Authority

November 3 2001

The words of Dr. Norman Borlaug -- "Here in the U. S. if we tried to product the harvest of 1999 with the technology of 1940, we would have had to cultivate 470 million more acres ofland." So you see, technology saved the forests, saved the wetlands and fed the people. In this new century, technology will once again save the day with Biotechnology. Visit the at www.whybiotech.com.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. One year ago who would have imagined we would be at war today --…

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