The President’s Budget

April 23 2002

I am back from Ukraine, a rural nation struggling to recover from the hangover from communism. It does have great agriculture potential but before you become concerned that we are talking about another Brazil, I don't think so. They have so much pent-up demand for meat -- pork, beef and poultry -- that they can crank up their grain production quite a bit before it would start to spill over into the world market. Time will tell, but it is a lot better to have them as a friend and not paI1 of the…

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The Ukraine

April 9 2002

Today's commentary may be from Washington, DC but next week I will be talking to you from the Ukraine. The Annual Convention of the Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs will be held in Kiev, the Capitol City.

The Citizens Network is a non-profit organization that I have been a part of for over 10 years. Our objective is to encourage U.S. investment and trade in the former Soviet states, introducing Democracy and free market principles.

I will be moderating one of the panels, hoping to enlighten…

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Tax Relief

April 2 2002

It seems like once a week the liberal Washington Post paper editorializes, arguing for the Congress to roll back the tax relief that the Congress passed last year. The liberals that want to spend your money just keep whining. The center piece of that tax relief is the elimination of the death taxes. It is the cruelest tax that we Impose.

Imagine this: Farmer Brown suddenly arrives in the Promised Land. He is sitting on a cloud watching the greedy government prepare to confiscate the farming…

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