Economic World Cup
July 26 2006
I'm speaking to you today from Germany. Germany just hosted the soccer World Cup-came in 3rd . If the contest was an economic World Cup as Ed Feulner talked about in the Washington Times, the USA would win the Economic World Cup hands down. Europe would be left in the dust. Our gross domestic product grew at 5.3% in the first quarter and 3% on the second. This German economy is growing at less than 1 %. If France, Italy, and Germany were American states, they would be among the poorest. Gemlany…
Chicken Little
July 19 2006
It's Chicken Little running around screaming, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is warming, the sky is warming." No, it's not Chicken Little. It's Al Gore. He calls global warming an "inconvenient truth." Well, there are a lot of scientists that would disagree.
Richard Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "a general characteristic of Al Gore's approach is to ignore the fact that the earth and its climate are dynamic." We had the Ice Age 400 years ago. The Ice Age…