Economic World Cup
July 26, 2006
July 26, 2006
I'm speaking to you today from Germany. Germany just hosted the soccer World Cup-came in 3rd . If the contest was an economic World Cup as Ed Feulner talked about in the Washington Times, the USA would win the Economic World Cup hands down. Europe would be left in the dust. Our gross domestic product grew at 5.3% in the first quarter and 3% on the second. This German economy is growing at less than 1 %. If France, Italy, and Germany were American states, they would be among the poorest. Gemlany trails everyone of our states. We create more jobs in a month than France or Germany can create in a year. European unemployment has been in the 10% range for years. Ours is under 5%. Our budget deficit is melting away as tax dollars flow into the Treasury.
Everything isn't perfect, but I don't think our sour mood is justified. But for some reason, we still have the Rodney Dangerfield economy -- doing great but gets no respect. We are in our fifth year of solid economic expansion. Almost any countly in the world would gladly trade places with us. Why do you think we're having such a hard time securing our borders. Evelybody wants to come to good old USA -- the land of opportunity. The national media should begin reporting some good things about the United States.
We are so much better off than the third world of Africa. Even compared to modem Europe. I rented a car and just paid $6 per gallon to fill it up. This is a great place to visit, but I'll be happy to pay $3 per gallon back home.
Send me an e-mail if you have any comments. You can reach me at
I am John Block in Gennany -- where my Great Grandfather came from .