Radical Jihadists
September 27, 2006
September 27, 2006
I know that Christianity is a religion of peace. You can remind me about the Crusades and all the blood shed then in the name of religion. That was then. Not now.
We have grown up. We have matured. We don't try to spread the faith with the sword. It seems to me that Christians and Jews alike try to follow some simple teachings: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Judge not, unless you wish to be judged."
That's just not true of the radical Jihadists of Islam.They have not matured. They don't care about human life. They kill innocent woman and children. I'm talking about the extreme terrorist fringe of that religion.
Look at the contrast. The leader of Iran comes to the U.S., speaks at the United Nations, speaks in one Congressman's district in New York. He is treated with respect, even though he has spent all the time since his election in Iran calling for "death to the infidels, " "drive Israel into the sea." If the leader of any Christian nation talked like that, every western news media would condemn that talk. If one of our leaders called for the assassination of a Muslim leader, not just Muslims would be angry, the whole world would be up in anns.
There is a double standard here. They get a free pass. Remember the Danish cartoons that degraded Islam? Muslims around the globe were rioting. The Pope quoted a 14th century Byzantine emperor and the quote offended Muslims. The quote suggested that Muslims are violent. What did they do? They immediately resorted to violence, proving the point. They killed an Italian nun in Samali. On the West Bank and Gaza, Muslims attacked 7 churches. Remember the false story about flushing the Koran at Guantanamo? More riots. The enemy that we face is not rational.
Our newspapers, movie, and television producers have no qualms about degrading Christianity. They wouldn't dare take on Islam. They don't want to be killed.
We need to stand up to the Jihadists. Good Muslims (and that includes most Muslims) need to get their deadly fringe brothers in line The days of religious crusades are over. We need to respect each other and align with each other in peace.
Any thoughts you have, I can be reached at jblock@ofwlaw.com. Have a great week. Until next week, I am John Block from Washington.