Farm Bill 2002
May 7, 2002
May 7, 2002
After weeks, in fact months, when it seemed as if nothing would get done in the Halls of Government that would help agriculture -- suddenly the logjam is broken. We have a farm bill that I'm sure the President will sign. The Senate passed an energy bill that must be conferenced with the House. The differences are big, but in a lunch with Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, he is optimistic that the differences can be bridged.
Senator Daschle had said earlier "only over my dead body will I allow the Senate a vote to make the elimination of the death tax permanent." He is still standing but they are going to vote by the end of June. Will it pass? It will be close. If you want to get rid of the death tax, better talk to your Senator. Washington State Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn told us yesterday that we have a fighting chance to kill the death tax.
The energy bill, if it reaches the President's desk, will lock in huge market opportunities for ethanol and bio-diesel. Never in the 25 years that ethanol has been around has the political climate been more favorable. Tum to trade. Trade Promotion Authority (fast track) being debated in the Senate. The House has already passed it. Senator Hagel said he expects the President will have the legislative authority to negotiate trade by the fall. "How sweet it is."
Farm bill, fast track, energy and a vote on the death tax. One month ago nothing was happening. I credit farm organizations, business groups, the voters for turning up the heat and forcing warring law makers playing political games to compromise for the national good.
Until next week, I am John Block from Washington.