Republican Convention 2000

August 2, 2000

August 2, 2000

One down and one to go. The Republican Party Convention was held in the "City of Brotherly Love" -- Philadelphia. I was there and so were the other food and farm organizations. They were all present and accounted for at the "Great American Farm Breakfast". I'll bet you didn't see that event on t.v. Never mind. It was still big with hundreds of industry leaders with political interests all across the landscape. Farm Bureau and Farmers Union. Sugar growers and sugar processors. No one dared to be left out.

House Ag Committee Chairman Larry Combest defended congressional efforts to help farmers and being from Texas and a long time friend of George W. Bush, he heaped praise on his Governor and the good things he has done for the State. Senator Pat Robertson from Kansas brought the house down with his humor. He defended Freedom to Farm, arguing that the critics in the other party don't really want to go back to acreage controls and high loan rates and government bins of grain overhanging the market.

Friendly former President Bush arrived and was introduced by Senator That Cochran from Mississippi. Bush was in rare form. He was gunny. Somehow reviewing the times his mother made him eat broccoli. He hated broccoli as we all know. As a grown man and President, he said, "I will not eat broccoli." Broccoli farmers were outraged and delivered two truck loads of broccoli to the White House. The President wouldn't meet them or accept the broccoli! Barbara accepted the broccoli. With all ofthat publicity broccoli sales exploded.

Yes, there was more to the convention than that breakfast. I talked with President Bush and remembered the days when we ran 10K races together. Talked with Dick Cheney, George W's Vice President selection and many members of Congress.

Next week the Democrats and Al Gore will be center stage.

Stay tuned!