State of the Union
February 6, 2002
February 6, 2002
President Bush in his State of the Union address pointed an accusing finger at Iraq, Iran and North Korea saying, " I will not wait on events while dangers gather. The United States will not permit the world's most dangerous regimens to threaten us." Yes, those nations are building weapons of mass destruction. President Bush does not intend to wait until another 9-11 happens. He is talking about a preemptive strategy. I think the American people agree. But what is done and how it is done is more complicated. There are several Middle East allies that we don't want to alienate. Here is why. We import 60% of our oil. This nation runs on oil. And six Middle East Gulf nations deliver 25% of the world's oil. In terms of reserves, they have two-thirds ofthe world supply.
The President and Congress fight over drilling in ANWAR Alaska. Anything will help but that's a drop in the bucket. Then we rally behind ethanol and bio-diesel -- another drop in the bucket. We need to do both and much more -- important to farmers and to create jobs. We are years and years away from energy independence. President Bush wants to develop hydrogen-powered automobiles. Someday maybe, but who knows?
It's going to be a very delicate balancing act to eliminate the threat posed by the "axis of evil," three countries singled out by the President, and at the same time secure a vital supply of energy. It's not that it can't be done but no one should underestimate the risk. With the Israelis and Palestinians at each other throats, more suicide bombs, more assassinations every day, we have a problem in the Middle East that defies solution. Would pressures or action in Iraq or Iran further destabilize the region? I applaud the President. His challenge is courageous. We'll have to wait to see if he can get it done.