Donald Trump
July 28, 2016
July 28, 2016
Hello everybody out there in farm country. This radio commentary is brought to you by John Deere and the National Corn Growers Association. They are all friends, supporters, and allies of a healthy farm economy and prosperous rural America. Thank you.
And now for today’s commentary—
How is Donald Trump doing? Where does he stand on policy that could affect us? I have been hearing for a year now that there is no way Trump could become President. Well – SURPRISE! He has shot up 10 points in the polls leading Hillary 48 to 45. Now I think we can expect Hillary will get a bump from the Democratic Convention. Then, the horse race gets serious for 100 days of fierce competition. It’s going to be a wild ride.
Here are some of my thoughts about the Presidential race. The public is warming up to Donald – Independent voters especially.
When Senator Bob Dole told USA Today “Trump’s going to make a great President,” that got the attention of a large number of undecided voters. Senator Dole has a huge following of loyal supporters. I am a member of that crowd. I would never have had the chance to serve President Reagan as Secretary of Agriculture if Senator Dole had not said that we need “a farmer from the heartland as Secretary of Agriculture.” Senator Dole identifies Trump as “a pragmatic Conservative.” He can negotiate deals, compromise, and work with Congress.
Trump has identified Charles Herbster, who has an Angus cattle ranch in Nebraska and a farm equipment company in Kansas, as his top Ag advisor. Mr. Herbster, a fifth generation farmer, had this to say: “I’m a lover of agriculture and rural America.” His government priorities are to reduce regulation, improve trade agreements, and get rid of the death tax. The Ag industry would concur with that with one caveat – we are convinced that trade agreements have been good for agriculture. Maybe it is time to review them.
The Republican platform calls for “better negotiated trade agreements that put America first.” The platform also calls for an end to EPA’s regulatory overreach of the Clean Water Act. Mandatory labeling of GE foods is not supported in the platform.
It is clear that candidate Donald Trump had a lot of influence in the writing of the Republican platform. It’s a new day for national politics. The public is insisting on change. How much – we shall see. Even Hillary Clinton is not the middle-of-the-road champion that Bill Clinton was. Socialist Bernie Sanders has pulled her far to the left.
Stay tuned!
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Until next week, I am John Block from Washington, D.C.