Good Things Done
January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018
Hello everybody out there in farm country. This radio commentary is brought to you by the National Corn Growers Association, CropLife America, and Renewable Fuels Association. They are all friends, supporters, and allies of healthy farm economy and prosperous rural America. Thank you.
And now for today’s commentary -
From my perspective, our government has been getting some good things done.
Remember a year ago when hundreds of out-of-town thugs blocked the construction of the North Dakota pipeline? The government spent millions of dollars on law enforcement and court fights. In the end, the pipeline was completed.
North Dakota is enjoying the benefits of that $3.8 billion project. Oil production grew by 78,000 barrels a day in September and October compared with last January. They have 15 additional drilling rigs in operation. The state unemployment rate was a low 2.3% in November. State revenue jumped $43.5 million in 5 months. It is obvious, with that pipeline completed and in business, it is creating jobs and economic growth.
The other benefits are just as important. The environment is protected. Oil train traffic is cut by 90%. They used to need 12 trains and 1,200 train cars to move that oil. Oil spills occur far more often when transported by train. Pipelines are safer and more efficient. With the North Dakota pipeline done, maybe the Keystone pipeline can be next.
We have a government today that is willing to stand up to the environmental fringe and take action. Another example of common sense stepping up is that the Administration rolled back the boundaries of 2 controversial national monuments that President Obama rushed through in his final days. The Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante are both in Utah. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke “released 2 million acres from the monuments for traditional uses and public access will be restored.” Ranchers are cheering. So is Utah’s Governor and Congressional delegation. Environmentalists are screaming.
If you live east of the Mississippi, you don’t think about the vast amount of land that the federal government controls in many of the western states.
I’m not against the government owning and controlling some land, but too much is too much. We need to be able to graze it and mine it.
If you would like to review my radio shows going back more than 20 years, just go on-line to Have a great weekend.
Until next week, I am John Block from Washington.