Wet Spring

May 16, 2013

May 16, 2013

Hello everybody out there in farm country. This radio commentary is brought to you by  Monsanto, and John Deere. They are all friends, supporters, and allies of a healthy farm  economy and prosperous rural America. Thank you.

And now for today’s commentary—

Last week, I was down on the farm in Illinois. I had hoped to watch the corn planter  crossing the field – back and forth, back and forth. But, it didn’t happen. It just didn’t get dry  enough. This week, the planter is rolling. We could be half done with corn planting, but rain is  again in the air. And we haven’t even thought about the soy beans.

The struggle to get the seed in the ground is pretty universal in the Midwest. It makes us  worry. The markets don’t know what to do. They are all over the place. Weren’t we worried  about drought just yesterday? I think we can still raise a reasonably good crop. Maybe not a  record crop. Every year is different. Spoon River, which runs through some of our land, was  flooding all over the fields just three weeks ago. It’s down now. We are going to plant those  fields.

We have been reading all spring that, with record planting intentions, we will be buried in  grain and prices will collapse. Well, maybe now they won’t go down quite as far. We don’t  have to have $8 corn, but $3 corn would be hard on the cash flow. The farming business is as  volatile and unpredictable as any business. Hold on tight. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. At  least we are producing a product that is absolutely essential. Is there anything more vital than  food?

When I was on the farm, the weather and planting delay was all I could think about.  However, we did have baby pigs born each day. Our mother sows were really shelling them out  – three or four litters every day with 12 or more pigs each. The hog market has shown some  strength, and that’s encouraging.

The farm economy across the country is strong. We’re going to get a farm bill passed  this year. Our exports, although a little slow now, will pick up this fall.

This week, the Farm Broadcasters Association brought a group to Washington to meet  with Secretary Vilsack. One evening, we had a reception at the Capitol, and Congressman Collin  Peterson, with his band, was playing and singing country songs. That will lift your spirits. I  loved it. Maybe that’s why I’m optimistic.

Let’s have a great year.

Until next week, I am John Block from Washington.