Previous Weeks

Farm Bill Process

August 1 2007

Hello everybody out their in farm country. I'm speaking to you today by phone from Sioux City, Iowa.

I want to report to you this week that ADM -my radio sponsor for the last 3 years -will not be sponsoring in the future. I want to thank ADM -- a great ag company -- for supporting our industry. I am in the process of working to get a new sponsor. If you like the John Block Commentary, send me an e-mail..

Now for today' s commentary.

It will be the Senate Ag Committee's turn next to try…

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Farm Bill

July 25 2007

Hello everybody out there in farm country. Last week, I talked about Agriculture in the Headlines. Not always positive, I might add. This week, on just one single day, both the Washington Times and Washington Post had lead editorials attacking U.S. farm programs. The passage of the farm bill by the House Ag Committee triggered a flood of criticism. The Washington Post called it a "rotten bill." And when Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "It represents a critical first step toward reform," the…

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Let The Good Times Roll

July 11 2007

I was on our Illinois farm last week. The corn is pollinating. Rains came just in time. What a beautiful sight to look out over a huge field -- dark green with shoots, silks, and pollen in the air.

In talking with neighbors up and down our country road, you can't help but feel the powerful mood of optimism. The ag industry is being lifted to a new level.

I have not seen this kind ofeuphoria since Secretary Earl Butz sold grain to the Soviet Union in the 70's. Corn went up,…

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Food & Fuel

July 4 2007

Is it food or fuel or food and fuel? That's the question. Opponents of the effort to use farm grov,rn products as fuel to reduce our reliance on oil imports have been raising their voices. They are complaining about the rising cost of food .

Well, I tend to agree with House Ag Committee Chairman Peterson, who recently remarked that maybe food has been too cheap anyway. A family in the U.S. pays only 10% of disposahle income on food. Countries around the world pay from 20% to 50%.…

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Wish List

June 20 2007

Do you have a wish list? I guess we all have a wish list. When Republicans lost control of the Congress last November, I put together a wish list of legislation that I hoped could be enacted under the neyv Democratic Congressional leadership with Republican George Bush still President.

We are approaching the half-year mark of 2007 and this is a good time to review how that "wish list" stands.

Comprehensive Immigration -- we don't have a comprehensive immigration bill yet…

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June 13 2007

It was disappointing to see the bipartisan immigration bill go down in flames. I know there are two sides to this issue. Republicans are divided as well as some Democrats. I know that some Republicans are against the bill just because Senator Kennedy is for it. I suspect Senator Harry Reid pulled the bill from consideration because he didn't want Presidcnt Bush to get any credit. After all, he claims it is "Bush's bill."

I remember how President Reagan and House Speaker Tip O'Neill used to…

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Farm Flex

June 6 2007

Farm Flex -- do you know what that is? It is a bill before Congress that would give Midwest farmers planting f1exibility that they don't have now.

This is the way it works now under the 2002 farm bill, and you can see why it must be changed. If you plant corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, or cotton, you may be receiving a direct govcrnment payment proportional to your crop base acreage. We all have historical base acreages for the above crops, and the way farm programs work now, base…

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Healthy Diet

March 21 2007

It wasn't that long ago, the Atkins Diet was all the rage. The traditional nutritionists and vegetarian crowd couldn't stand it. They screamed, "Atkins is a fraud. Encouraging people to eat meat and dairy products is unhealthy." There has always been a certain elite "know it all" group preaching that saturated fat will not only make you fat, but it will also raise your cholesterol and give you a heart attack.

Well, just when the anti-Atkins Team thought they had the protein diet on…

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National Agriculture Week

March 21 2007

Another year rolls around and we find ourselves celebrating National Ag Week. This is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by this amazing industry. The Ag Council ofAmerica coordinates the celebration. Last week at t he National Press Club here in D.C., ADM and John Deere served as hosts of an impressive luncheon event. Ag Secretary Johannes headlined the program preceded by House Ag Committee Chair Collin Peterson.

Although it is difficult to make the…

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Chairman Peterson

March 14 2007

When House Ag Committee Chairman Peterson speaks, I suggest that it's wise to listen. He is not going to make a lot ofpredictions unless he is confident of the support from other Committee members. This week, I was in a meeting with Secretary Johanns. He has introduced a serious Ag program proposal, however, I recall, what House Ag Committee Chairman Kika de la Garza told me during the early 1980s. He said, "Don't forget Mr. Secretary, the way the system works is the Secretary proposes and…

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