Previous Weeks

Pledge of Allegiance

June 30 2004

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic o-which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with Iibeliy and justice for all."

That's the Pledge of Allegiance that we are so proud of, that holds us together as a nation born "under God." And yet we have among us the critics that rail about separation of church and state -- that went to court to try and strip "under God" out of our pledge. The U.S. Supreme Court just two weeks ago sustained those words…

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Washington Politics

June 23 2004

I can't remember a time in this town when there was so much political mud wrestling going on. We can't pass any legislation on to the President's desk because inevitably some one in the Senate will object and filibuster. It takes 601 votes to shut down a filibuster and that's almost impossible to get. The rules in the House of Representatives are different. They can limit debate and force a vote. In fact, the House has stacked some 70 bills on the doorstep of the Senate where they just sit…

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Speaker Denny Hastert

June 2 2004

Last night I attended a small dinner of Washington industry reps. Speaker of the House Denny Hastert spoke to us and answered questions. Denny Hastert is a big strong man. He used to coach wrestling in a high school in northern Illinois. More importantly he owns a farm. He knows rural America. He is part of rural America. His quiet leadership of the house receives high praise and respect here in this difficult town. I thought you might be interested in what…

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Memorial Day 2004

May 26 2004

When I was a little boy, all the news was about The War -- World War II. Now today 50 years later we unveil the World War II memorial honoring not only the service men that fought in that war but everyone of that generation that pulled together to win that war.

On this memorial week as we continue to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, let us salute our brave military men and women that stand guard to protect us. I would like to read you some lines from a…

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WTO Ruling

April 27 2004

The World Trade Organization dropped a bombshell last week which coincidentally could force dramatic change in farm support programs as we have known them.

Their ruling is only preliminary but it is likely to become permanent. The U.S. has vowed to appeal. The Congress will fight the decision as an infringement on our sovereignty.

Here is what happened. Brazil filed a case against U.S. cotton subsidies in the WTO arguing that our…

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Earth Day

April 13 2004

One more time the calendar rolled around and it is time to celebrate "Earth Day". We do have a lot to celebrate. Of course, there are some people that will whine around about urban spread, and dirty air. Fortunately for us when we examine the facts, they don't really have a case.

The overriding fact is that developed countries such as the U.S. are making steady improvement in the environment. You see, cost is the main reason why the developing world is heavily polluted. When it is a choice…

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April 5 2004

As we prepare to plant com in Illinois, I begin to think about the weather.Will we get enough rain? Will we get it at the right time? Will the river come out and flood the crop? We have about 300 acres of bottom land. I always hope it will flood before the crop is planted and not after. In most of the Midwest we rely on good old Mother Nature to deliver the life giving moisture.

But in many countries they may have as much as 80% of their land …

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Exporting Jobs

March 30 2004

I don't like hearing that we're exporting our jobs. It is being shouted from the rooftops. We are hearing it so much that people are staring to believe it. The best jobs are going to other countries. China does the manufacturing, India the computer work. We have to do something.

Well, I don't believe it. But I do know that this kind of mind set isdangerous. It is especially threatening to an industry that depends so much on exports agriculture.

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Farming in 2004

March 16 2004

In recent weeks I have been on the road speaking at major Ag events in Illinois and Nebraska. There is no question, the mood in the country is much improved over a year ago. Prices and politics both give us reason for optimism.

Prices almost across the board make me want to listen to the markets these days. Beef has held up in spite of Mad Cow. Hats off to the American consumer smart enough to know he or she has a better change of getting struck…

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Food Safety Threats

February 10 2004

We are at such risk every day it is a wonder that we don't just stay in

bed and pull the covers over our head.

The threats are everywhere. Mad cow disease is just a hamburger away. Now bird flu has invaded Delaware and is threatening to spread down the East Coast. Last month a science magazine tells us that salmon is laced with PCB's. What are we to eat?

There are some people and organizations that can't understand why the

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