Previous Weeks


February 12 2002

Justice is served. Turn the water on! Throughout last year's crop season, family farmers operating 400,000 acres in Southern Oregon and Northern California saw their crops shrivel and die for lack of water. Farmers, villages and towns fell into depression. Hiding behind the endangered species act the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries shut the irrigation water off to reserve the water for the suckerfish in the Upper Klamath Lake. President Bush in Portland last month…

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State of the Union

February 6 2002

President Bush in his State of the Union address pointed an accusing finger at Iraq, Iran and North Korea saying, " I will not wait on events while dangers gather. The United States will not permit the world's most dangerous regimens to threaten us." Yes, those nations are building weapons of mass destruction. President Bush does not intend to wait until another 9-11 happens. He is talking about a preemptive strategy. I think the American people agree. But what is done and how it is done is…

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January 29 2002

This week's program is about trade but, before I get into that, I can't help myself. I have a message for our loyal European allies that are crying crocodile tears over the alleged inhumane treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners. One month ago those guys were freezing, starving, dodging bullets and bombs. Now they get three squares, a warm dry bed in the Caribbean. Should they complain? Is it really inhumane that they are now clean, beardless and their fleas are gone?

Anyhow, the subject…

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Interview with Linda Thrane

January 16 2002

Hello everybody out there in Farm Country. The John Block commentary is brought to you by the Council for Biotechnology Information. Normally right here I give my sales pitch for biotech. Not today. I have with me the #1 spokesperson for biotech -the Executive Director of the Council for Biotechnology, Linda Thrane.

Linda, we can get the real scoop from you.


Predictions 2002

January 1 2002

It's prediction time! First let's look back at 2001. It's time to be judged. I predicted that President Bush would push Fast Track (later named Trade Promotion Authority) through the Congress. The House passed it with one vote to spare. That was the tough part. The Senate will be easier. Should happen soon.

I said I didn't expect to see a new Farm Bill in 2001. No, we don't have one yet, but I was surprised to watch the efficient passage of a bipartisan bill in the House. It's the Senate that…

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The Station

December 31 2001

It's a new year. Here is some advice on how to live in the new year.

The Station

By Robert J Hastings

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. on a long trip that spans the continent, We are traveling by train. Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling…

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Christmas 2001

December 25 2001

It's hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone. This is a time of year that brings back memories. I remember Christmas as a boy on our farm in Illinois. My sisters and I were up early to get downstairs to check under the tree and see what presents were there. I'll never forget one year when we found three shining new sleds. We were so excited. There was plenty of snow on the ground and it would be perfect for sledding.

Chores had to be done first. That meant milking cows, feeding the…

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Cabinet Secretaries Club Luncheon 2001

December 18 2001

I have served as a host for the annual Cabinet Secretaries Holiday luncheon for 15 years. Last week more than 40 former and current members of the Presidents' Cabinet came together for lunch at the historic Madison Hotel here in Washington. The Cabinet post with the most attendees was Agriculture -including Ann Veneman, Dan Glickman, Mike Espy, Clayton Yeutter and yours truly. Department of Transportation came in second with four former secretaries. As is always the case, a delicious luncheon…

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Food Terrorism

December 4 2001

Yes, we have the terrorists on the defensive. The Taliban surrounded.

Anthrax on the decline. But how safe are we?

Out here, the Congress -- and across the country private companies and private institutions -- are looking for ways to improve security. On the food front, we are vulnerable. I don't even like to talk about it for fear of giving some nutcase an idea.

I think the biggest risk is to the ag economy -- even more so than to individuals. Let's look at Britain. The recent foot and mouth…

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Oil in Today’s World

November 19 2001

Do you know that we import more than half of our oil? And this country runs on oil. Twenty-five years ago imports were about 35% of our needs. We're importing more every year, and every year more is coming from the volatile Middle East. We even import 7,000,000 barrels per day from our trusted friend Saddam Hussein, costing 4 billion dollars per year. What's going on? Are we crazy? The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has tried to hold us hostage before. A revolution in Saudi…

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